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Alabama: Lawmakers Fail To Act On Marijuana Decriminalization Measure

Posted by on August 30, 2016

This legislative session, members of the House Judiciary Committee failed to consider House Bill 257, legislation to amend state law so that first time offenders of one ounce or less of marijuana face a civil fine, no arrest and no criminal record.

Current law defines the personal possession of marijuana as a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine up of to $ 6,000. 

The collateral damage of being convicted of a cannabis crime can be life altering, including the loss of financial aid for students, exclusion from low income housing, deportation and adverse consequences for future employment. 

This legislation was a fiscally sensible proposal that would have enabled police, prosecutors, and the courts to reallocate their existing resources toward activities that will better serve the public.

NORML would like to thank those of you who contacted your state lawmakers in support of this legislation. 

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws – Advocacy Campaigns

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