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Tagged With: Legal

Cities Across Michigan Ban Legal Marijuana Sales

Since the passage of Proposition 1, officially known as the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, which legalized the sale, possession, consumption and cultivation of marijuana for adults 21 and up last November, members of Michigan NORML have encountered a new challenge: municipal opt-out. Similar to other states that have legalized adult-use marijuana like … Continue reading »

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FDA Weighs In On Legal Status of Commercially Available ‘Hemp-Derived’ CBD Products

Following yesterday’s passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottleib issued a statement with regard to the agency’s oversight of products commercially marketed as ‘hemp-derived’ CBD. The FDA states: “We’re aware of the growing public interest in cannabis and cannabis-derived products, including cannabidiol (CBD). This increasing public interest in … Continue reading »

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Michigan: Marijuana Possession Becomes Legal This Thursday

Key provisions of the state’s voter-initiated marijuana measure, Proposition 1: The Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, will take effect this Thursday, December 6. Michigan is the tenth US state to legalize and regulate the use and sale of marijuana by adults, and it is the ninth to do so via voter initiative. “The … Continue reading »

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New Gallup Poll Finds 66 Percent Of Americans Want Marijuana Legal

Sixty-six percent of US adults believe that “the use of marijuana should be made legal,” according to national survey data compiled by the Gallup. The percentage is the highest ever reported by Gallup, which has been tracking Americans’ views on the subject of marijuana legalization since 1969. Support was strongest among Millennials (78 percent), Democrats (75 percent), … Continue reading »

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As Canada Prepares To Go Legal, Never Forget That A Single Interaction Can Make All The Difference

This Wednesday, Canada will become the second nation to explicitly legalize the social use, possession, cultivation, and retail production and sale of cannabis. The new law marks the culmination of an effort led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who promised in 2015, shortly after taking office, to legalize and regulate the marijuana market. But PM … Continue reading »

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Pew Poll: 62 Percent Of Americans Want Marijuana Legal

Sixty-two percent of US adults believe that “the use of marijuana should be made legal,” according to national survey data compiled by the Pew Research Center. The percentage is the highest ever reported by Pew, which has been tracking Americans’ views on the subject of marijuana legalization since 1969. Support was strongest among Millennials (74 … Continue reading »

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NORML Responds to US Border Policy Barring Canadians Involved In Legal Marijuana Market

NORML staff today responded to reports that the US Customs and Border Protection Agency will enforce a federal policy denying entry into the United States any individual involved Canada’s burgeoning marijuana market. Under the policy, US officials are to bar entry to Canadians who acknowledge having consumed marijuana at any time in their past, as … Continue reading »

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NEW POLL: 63% of Americans Believe “Marijuana Should Be Made Legal”

Sixty-three percent of US voters believe that “marijuana should be made legal in the United States,” according to survey data released today by Quinnipiac University. The percentage is the highest support level ever reported in a nationwide Quinnipiac poll. The result is similar to those of other recent national polls, such as surveys by CBS … Continue reading »

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GOP Lawmaker: Trump Administration Pledges Non-Interference In Legal Marijuana States

Republican Senator Cory Gardner (CO) says that he has received a verbal commitment from President Donald Trump specifying that the administration will not take action to disrupt marijuana markets in states that legally regulate the substance. “Since the campaign, President Trump has consistently supported states’ rights to decide for themselves how best to approach marijuana,” … Continue reading »

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New Federal Legislation To Protect Legal Marijuana States And Businesses

Representative Lou Correa (D-CA) has introduced the Sensible Enforcement Of Cannabis Act which would essentially codify the protections that were outlined in the now-rescinded Cole Memo. Upon the introduction, Rep. Correa said, “To date, eight states have legalized recreational cannabis, and twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia, representing more than half of the American population, … Continue reading »

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