Lawmakers have failed to act on legislation, Assembly Bill 224, to legalize and regulate the adult possession and use of marijuana in Wisconsin. Full text of the bill is here.
Annually, state and local police make some 16,000 marijuana possession arrests. The state ranks 19th in the nation in per capita marijuana possession arrests. Under state law, first-time marijuana possession offenses are classified as a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to six-months in jail and a $ 1,000 fine. Subsequent offenses are classified as felony offenses, punishable by up to 3.5 years in prison and a $ 10,000 fine.
NORML would like to thank those of you who contacted your lawmakers and urged their support for this legislation.
For more information on this and other state-specific reform activities, contact your regional NORML chapter here.
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws – Advocacy Campaigns