Industrial Hemp Legislation
Tennessee: Support Measure To Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties
Legislation is pending in the House and Senate — SB 265 and HB 297 — to reduce penalties associated with the possession of one-eighth of marijuana (3.544 grams) to a fine-only offense. Under present law, the possession of any amount of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail and a $ 250 … Continue reading
Iowa: Legislation Pending to Establish Medical Cannabis Program
Legislation is pending, HF 199, to establish a statewide medical marijuana program. Under these proposals, qualified patients with intractable pain and other conditions would be able to obtain cannabis from state-licensed facilities. A more narrow version of this program is proposed by separate legislation, HF 198. While the program proposed by the measures is a … Continue reading
Wyoming: Bill To Reduce Marijuana Possession Penalties Advances
Legislation, HB 197, to amend marijuana possession penalties has passed out of Committee and now faces action on the House floor. Passage of the measure would reduce existing marijuana possession penalties from up to one year in jail and a $ 1,000 fine to no more than 20 days in jail and a $ 200 fine for first-time … Continue reading
Tennessee: Legislation Seeks to Nullify Citywide Decriminalization Ordinances
Legislation is pending in the Tennessee House, HB 173, to nullify the enactment of citywide marijuana decriminalization ordinances and to prevent additional municipalities from enacting similar marijuana reform measures. The intent of the bill is to override the passage of recent citywide measures in Nashville and Memphis — both of which passed local ordinances last year making … Continue reading
South Dakota: Legislation Pending to Eliminate Internal Possession Offenses
More than a dozen lawmakers are backing legislation, Senate Bill 129, to eradicate the state’s marijuana possession by ingestion law. Under the law, one can be charged with a felony drug offense if their past use of a marijuana shows up on a blood or urine test. In the case of cannabis, byproducts of THC … Continue reading
Kansas: Support Comprehensive Medical Marijuana Reform
Legislation is pending before lawmakers, The Kansas Safe Access Act, to establish regulations governing a comprehensive medical marijuana program. The measure would permit qualified patients to grow their own medical marijuana or to obtain it from a licensed dispensary, while also educating physicians who seek to recommend cannabis therapy. Kansas is one of fewer than … Continue reading
North Dakota: Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Introduced
Legislation is pending in the House to decriminalize the possession of marijuana and marijuana-related paraphernalia. House Bill 1340 amends existing law so that activities involving the possession of marijuana, marijuana-related paraphernalia, or the internal possession of marijuana are reduced from criminal misdemeanors to non-criminal infractions — punishable by a fine only, no arrest, no jail, … Continue reading
Arkansas: Oppose The Legislation To Indefinitely Delay Medical Marijuana Implementation
Senate legislation is pending, SB 238, to indefinitely halt the enactment of the state’s voter-initiated medical marijuana law. Specifically, the measure states that Arkansas patients may not legally access medical marijuana until the substance has been federally legalized. This arrogant piece of legislation is a direct attempt to undermine an election outcome. Fifty-three percent of … Continue reading
Arkansas: Legislation Pending To Prohibit Smoking Medical Cannabis
Legislative efforts are pending to amend the state’s voter-initiated medical marijuana law in a manner that would restrict qualified patients from smoking herbal preparations of the plant. Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson indicates that he favors the plan. NORML opposes this effort to fundamentally change the law for the following reasons. The inhalation of herbal cannabis … Continue reading