US Hemp Co Museum
Hemp to help farmers hit new highs!
Growing finola hemp cannabis sativa could help Britain’s farmers achieve fresh ‘highs’ but purely in terms of the income earned from break crops!
Journal of Industrial Hemp
Read the table of contents online for the latest issue.
Hemp ice cream turns heads
Christina Anderman sheepishly admits she has been experimenting with hemp-based ice cream since 1997 — one year before the federal government made it legal once again for Canadian farmers to grow hemp.
Bill would allow hemp farming in California
Assemblyman Mark Leno has a bill that could make that happen. The San Francisco Democrat’s measure would allow the state Department of Food and Agriculture to issue licenses to grow and process hemp.
Sexy Ganja
It is interesting to note that Omega 3 acids increase surface circulation on the skin, which can contribute to improving erection strength as well as provide intense moisturizing for the genitals upon application.
Recruits wanted — to grow cannabis
A crop development company wants to recruit farmers to grow cannabis.
Hemp-legalization testimony is set
Advocates of legislation to make growing industrial hemp legal in Oregon will testify today at the Capitol.
Hemp Seed Oil — Its Not Just For Hippies
Hemp — the word makes you think of jewelry, rope, hippies, and, let’s face it, marijuana. However, you might be surprised to find out that hemp seed oil is one of the most healthy oils for your body.
Farmers' high hemp hopes
The crop, it is claimed, offers excellent financial returns because its oil and fibre are in great demand.
Bill Would Allow Farmers to Grow Hemp
The Oregon Senate’s committee on Environment and Land Use heard testimony Wednesday on a bill that would allow the production of industrial hemp.