US Hemp Co Museum
Government of Canada Recognizes Hemptown's Work
Hemptown Clothing Inc received confirmation of $223,118.00 from the Government of Canada’s Scientific Research and Experimental Development program.
Legalize industrial hemp
One of the most absurd, anti-free market ironies of America’s misguided war on drugs, California’s farmers by law cannot grow it.
Hemp Plus Granola Cereal Served at Harvard University
Hemp Plus Granola is one of the most popular offerings at the school.
New Hampshire considers legalizing hemp
If the bill were to pass the Senate, Morgan said he would expect the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police to lobby the governor for a veto — if the lobbying hasn’t started already.
Pumping iron into lunch
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plan to get rid of junk food in schools has one thing going for it: Cutting out junk food actually works.
Texas Congressman Proposes to Redefine Industrial Hemp
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Surfside, intends to file legislation this spring that would redefine industrial hemp under the Controlled Substances Act, removing the de facto federal ban on agricultural hemp production.
Hemp: coming soon to a kitchen near you
It has taken a decade to develop, but a Gretna-based company thinks it is on the verge of making it big with counter tops made with hemp fibre.
What's Matt Smokin'?
Though Matt clearly articulates his accurate understanding that marijuana and industrial hemp are distant biological cousins, with hemp having only trace amounts of THC, he misses no opportunity to confuse the issue throughout his article.
All you need to know about hemp
So it makes sense that some rules exist, although how extensive they should be is a matter of debate. In the U.S., restrictions on growth of industrial hemp (fencing and walls, armed guards, alarms) are so great that it’s not economical and most of it is imported. Some want to change that, others don’t.
Organic hemp interesting alternative for Californian growers
CCOF is the first major agricultural organization to support Assemblyman Mark Leno’s new industrial hemp bill based on the huge economic potential represented by the production of organic hemp in California.