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Following the passing of the 2014 Farm bill, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture launched the Industrial Hemp Research Program that would allow farmers and processors to begin the development of an industry. LINK
There has been some disconcerting news showing up on social media in the past few days. It seems the DEA may be trying to push buttons…
They picked the right words for it, “Hemp Research” Bill, because that is exactly what they have been doing since the research started…using our Farmer’s to start an industry that they damn well knew they would not let them keep for very long. The idea is to let the Farmer’s do the work for the start-up so that they think that they are accomplishing a great feat, (which they are), and then yank it right out from under them via the DEA and hand it over to the Pharmaceutical Conglomerates where they can make big money by controlling our access to the Cannabis plant.
The fact is that it was not “Marijuana” that they were worried about infiltrating the Nation, it was controlling the Hemp – and now the CBD. Marijuana is just the control button so to speak.
It all comes back around to the NWO and Agenda 21 to control the masses. (If you control the food – and medicine, you control the people). But first they want to make sure that everyone wants and/or needs what they are going to take control of. Once the market starts to bloom, it’s time to take it back.
I first noticed a problem about two months ago when Stripe discontinued merchant services for the U.S. Marijuana Party, stating it was a prohibited business. I sell nothing but T-Shirts, lol. I went to my bank and asked them about it and sure enough, they weren’t accepting any “marijuana related” business either. So, I have no way to sell T-Shirts online at this time. Unless I want an offshore bank account!
On July 18th, Brady Bell broke the news that USPS was, as of the 17th “…ceasing all shipping of hemp/CBD products. The inspector said they are going to start confiscating any products that violate their stance…”
And so it begins…
Jaime Rothensteinenheimer is feeling heartbroken
I was arrested for multiple felonies at 1pm Wednesday July 18, 2018 in KNOX County Tennessee for possessing Industrial Hemp. My charges are Possession of Sched 6 drugs with Intent to Deliver (marijuana). The COA and 3rd Party Lab Reports were with the hemp products. I was forced to sleep on the porch of a Fireplace Store in Sevierville, TN until the impound opened to retrieve my vehicle. I am being arraigned tomorrow morning at 10am in Knox County Courthouse for Multiple felony charges.
On Wednesday July 18, 2018 at 11am the DEA raided my suppliers warehouses in SC and FL, took controlled samples for testing and went about their business. No charges yet . On Friday July 20,2018 the Atlantic Beach Police Dept had me sign a form to allow the Search of my business, Terp Market and Lounge, due to the City Commission claiming that “nefarious” characters were coming and going. I complied and the detectives were very polite. It still grinds my gears that we are doing positive things in the community and are getting treated like criminals over a PLANT. LINK
From Brady Bell, of Pure Spectrum CBD, Colorado…
As an industry we have to take a stand. I now know why this is happening. GW Pharmaceuticals are the reason behind this with their lobbying efforts. It’s time the industry takes a stand and we file a class action lawsuit on GW Pharmaceuticals. I have the plan in motion. I will be reaching out to owners and anyone else that wants to join the battle. Feel free to email me, We have the legal team and direction. The rest will require unity. LINK
EVERYONE in the CANNABIS business, whether legal or not, whether it is Hemp or Marijuana/Cannabis that you sell, or USE for medicine or recreationally, should pay very close attention to what is happening right now. The quality of Our lives very much depends upon what happens with Cannabis.
Please read the above linked article.
On my end, I am concerned about the control of Cannabis/Hemp and the regulations which will follow legalization and what it means to the prison industrial complex. I am concerned about the right to grow a Cannabis plant in my yard and use it personally for medicine and pleasure. I am concerned about all the children and other people who were so wrongly denied the Cannabis plant since 1937 and before, who so badly needed it as a medication, which was ALREADY IN THE PHARMACOPEIA IN 1900’S, but that the Government pulled out from under them in the name of commerce.
Cannabis, Hemp, Marijuana are all born from the same species. Don’t let them divide us!
NEVER say legalize! ALWAYS push for REPEAL of the CANNABIS Plant as a “whole”…
When it is freed to the People of this Country, and it is no longer a crime to possess or grow on our own property, or use in our own homes, and the Hemp Farmers are free to grow and sell their Hemp plants AND products, then it can be produced by the Pharma’s as a medication and THEIR products can be labeled as “CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES”!
Until then, Pharma should not be allowed to profit, or produce, any Cannabis medications!
The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) is conducting an Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program as authorized by KRS 260.850-260.869, and 7 U.S.C.§ 5940 (also known as Section 7606 of the 2014 Farm Bill). Industrial hemp plants, leaf, floral materials, and viable seed materials remain a Schedule I Controlled Substance under state and federal law; no person can grow, handle, broker, or process industrial hemp in Kentucky without a license issued by the KDA. For more information on applications, please visit the Applications for the Hemp Program page. Industrial Hemp is a Controlled Substance and requires a KDA License to Grow, Handle, Process, or Market LINK
Legislative Research: KY SB50 | 2017 | Regular Session
Hemp in Kentucky