Tagged With: Dakota
North Dakota: Do Not Delay Medical Marijuana
In November 2016, nearly 64% of North Dakotans voted for the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act, to create a comprehensive medical marijuana program in the state to provide access for patients suffering from serious illnesses ranging from cancer to AIDS. Yet in an affront to the democratic process, legislation introduced by House and Senate leadership … Continue reading
South Dakota: Industrial Hemp Measure Tabled
House legislation, HB 1054, to redefine industrial hemp as an agricultural crop and establish licensing regulations for the plant’s cultivation has been tabled for the legislative session. The legislation was approved by the full House in an 57-11 vote on Thursday, February 4th but unfortunately members of the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources committee voted against it in a … Continue reading
South Dakota: House Votes Down Senate-Backed Medical Marijuana Measure
Members of the House have voted down Senate Bill 171 by a vote of 43 to 25, killing the measure for this session. Members of the Senate had previously approved the measure, but significantly amended it so that it only only sought to permit patients with intractable epilepsy to possess cannabidiol with a ‘prescription.’ The amended measure … Continue reading