Tagged With: Delay
Arkansas: Oppose The Legislation To Indefinitely Delay Medical Marijuana Implementation
Senate legislation is pending, SB 238, to indefinitely halt the enactment of the state’s voter-initiated medical marijuana law. Specifically, the measure states that Arkansas patients may not legally access medical marijuana until the substance has been federally legalized. This arrogant piece of legislation is a direct attempt to undermine an election outcome. Fifty-three percent of … Continue reading
North Dakota: Do Not Delay Medical Marijuana
In November 2016, nearly 64% of North Dakotans voted for the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act, to create a comprehensive medical marijuana program in the state to provide access for patients suffering from serious illnesses ranging from cancer to AIDS. Yet in an affront to the democratic process, legislation introduced by House and Senate leadership … Continue reading
Legislators Seek To Delay The Enactment Of Voter-Initiated Marijuana Laws
Legislators in a number of states are pushing forward measures to delay the enactment of several voter-initiated marijuana laws. In Arkansas, House lawmakers are moving forward with legislation, House Bill 1026, to postpone the deadline for establishing the state’s new medical marijuana program by 60 days. Fifty-three percent of voters approved Issue 6 on Election … Continue reading
Maine: Politicians Introduce Bill to Delay Legal Marijuana
Maine Senate President Mike Thibodeau and House Speaker Sara Gideon have struck a deal to introduce emergency resolution LD 88 to impose a moratorium on the enactment of many of the key provisions in Question 1, the voter-initiated Marijuana Legalization Act. While the resolution maintains the January 30th, 2017 repeal of penalties for personal possession … Continue reading