Tagged With: Interference
McClintock/Polis Amendment to Limit Federal Interference of State Marijuana Laws
Representatives Tom McClintock (R-CA) and Jared Polis (D-CO) have introduced an amendment that, if passed, would disallow the Department of Justice to use funds from Congress to enforce federal laws on activities that are legal under state law with regard to marijuana. Ultimately, this amendment seeks to limit the federal government’s ability to intrude in … Continue reading
Bonamici Files Amendment Preventing Federal Interference of State Hemp Laws
Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) has introduced an amendment to the House appropriations bill that, if passed, would not allow funds to be used to prevent states from implementing their own state laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession, or cultivation of industrial hemp. These laws are defined in section 7606 of the Agricultural Act of … Continue reading
Alaska: Bill Introduced to Protect Marijuana Industry from Federal Interference
State officials in Alaska are considering legislation, HJR 21, to urge the federal government to restrain from interfering in state marijuana laws. HJR 21 urges the current Administration to respect previous federal arrangements in regard to state laws and to continue a policy of allowing legalized states autonomy. The bill points to several reasons that … Continue reading
Colorado: Support Legislation to Protect Marijuana Laws From Federal Interference
Update: Members of the House voted 56 to 7 on April 26 in favor of the bill. It now awaits action from the Senate. Legislation is pending to prohibit public employees from assisting federal agents in “arresting a Colorado citizen for committing an act that is a Colorado constitutional right.” Such acts would include the production … Continue reading
California: Support Legislation to Protect Marijuana Laws From Federal Interference
Legislation is pending, Assembly Bill 1578, to try and limit potential federal interference in the state’s marijuana regulatory laws. The bill states, “This bill would prohibit a state or local agency, as defined, from taking certain actions without a court order signed by a judge, including using agency money, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to … Continue reading