Tagged With: Local
NORML Releases Comprehensive Report Summarizing Local Decriminalization Laws
Even though recreational marijuana remains criminalized in a majority of US states, more and more municipalities are moving ahead with local laws decriminalizing the possession of cannabis within city limits. For the first time, NORML has released a comprehensive breakdown of these citywide and countywide decriminalization policies. Efforts to liberalize municipal marijuana possession penalties in … Continue reading
Virginia: Local Focus, Nationwide Impact
By Daniel Rouleau, Communications Director of Virginia NORML In the first quarter of 2017, the reform efforts of Virginia NORML laid a framework for exciting changes in the Commonwealth’s cannabis policies. As spring blooms, conversations are blossoming in municipalities across the state challenging the status quo of criminally prosecuting misdemeanor possession in favor of civil … Continue reading
California: Governor Signs Emergency Legislation to Discourage Enactment of Local Medical Marijuana Bans
Governor Jerry Brown on Wednesday, February 3, signed legislation that seeks to dissuade California cities and counties from enacting municipal restrictions on the cultivation and dispensing of medical marijuana. The measure takes immediate effect. Assembly Bill 21 amends a drafting error in the The Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act by removing an apparent March 1, 2016 deadline … Continue reading
Ohio NORML Continues the Fight on the Local Level
Statewide marijuana legalization efforts in Ohio have proven to be more difficult than many expected. After Ohio voters overwhelming rejected Issue 3 – a well-funded ballot initiative, that would have legalized the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana for adults 21 and over, but also contained severe restrictions with regard to retail production … Continue reading