Tagged With: Plans
George Rohrbacher: Trump Administration Plans To Ramp Up Government Regulation and Stifle New Marijuana Businesses
By George Rohrbacher, Former Washington State Senator (R), Former NORML board member George Rohrbacher The Trump White House statement last week of plans for stricter enforcement of federal marijuana laws in states with newly voter-approved recreational marijuana laws signals Trump’s surprisingly pro-regulation, anti-business, anti-Liberty stance. Cannabis prohibition is perhaps one of America’s most onerous forms … Continue reading
Utah: Lawmakers Adjourn Without Moving Medical Marijuana Plans
Lawmakers have adjourned for 2016 without taking action to expand medical cannabis access to seriously ill patients. Members of the House Health and Human Services Committee voted 8-4 on Monday, March 7, against the passage of Senate Bill 73, the Medical Cannabis Act, which sought to permit for the production and possession of non-herbal formulations … Continue reading