Tagged With: TwoThirds
All Time High: New Poll Shows Two-Thirds Of Americans Support Marijuana Legalization
Source: Gallup A record percentage of US adults, including majorities of Democrats, Independents, and for the first time ever, Republicans, believe that the adult use of marijuana should be legal, according to polling data released today by Gallup. Sixty-four percent of adults believe that “the use of marijuana should be made legal in the United States” — the highest percentage … Continue reading
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Californians Support Legalizing Retail Sales Of Marijuana To Adults
More than two in three California voters support the establishment of a state-regulated retail market for the sale of marijuana to adults, according to polling data compiled by the Institute of Government Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Sixty-four percent of respondents agree, “Marijuana should be legal for adults to purchase and use recreationally, … Continue reading