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Virginia: Juvenile Expungement Bill Fails In House Committee

Posted by on April 24, 2017

UPDATE: SB 796 has passed the Senate but was tabled on February 15 on a voice vote by the House Courts of Justice, Subcommittee on Criminal Law. The measure will not be considered further this session.


Sen. Ryan McDougle has introduced SB 796, which creates a expungement by petition process for individuals under 21 who are convicted of marijuana possession, underage alcohol possession, or use of a false ID.

McDougle’s bill would protect Virginia citizens from lifelong ramifications that can come from the punishments for juvenile possession or other minor crimes. Saddling teens with a criminal record can make getting a job near-impossible and is an unfair burden to place on an individual.

Juvenile expungement is not a perfect solution by any means, but it does provide some layer of protection for those under 21.

For more information, contact Virginia NORML to see how you can help in your area.

Enter your information below and urge your lawmakers to support juvenile expungement.

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws – Advocacy Campaigns

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