Author Archives: ushempmuseum
As Canada Prepares To Go Legal, Never Forget That A Single Interaction Can Make All The Difference
This Wednesday, Canada will become the second nation to explicitly legalize the social use, possession, cultivation, and retail production and sale of cannabis. The new law marks the culmination of an effort led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who promised in 2015, shortly after taking office, to legalize and regulate the marijuana market. But PM … Continue reading
North Dakota: Let’s Make History
Can you believe that we are less than four weeks away from Election Day? This year, the stakes have never been higher. North Dakotans on November 6th have the unique opportunity to end the state’s failed experiment with marijuana prohibition and to cease arresting adults for marijuana-related offenses. By voting “yes’ on Measure 3, you … Continue reading
The Marijuana Midterms are Heating Up in Nevada
With the help of the newly established “Cannabition Cannabis Museum,” Nevada’s state chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, along with its local affiliate Las Vegas NORML, welcomed the National NORML Board of Directors to Las Vegas with a “Smoke the Vote” voter rally. Nevada NORML Executive Director Madisen Saglibene, Jj … Continue reading
Survey: Cannabis Use Becoming Common Among Older Adults
The use of cannabis is relatively common among those over the age of 65 who reside in a legal marijuana state, according to data published online in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Investigators from the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus anonymously surveyed older adults at a pair of ambulatory geriatric primary care … Continue reading
Pew Poll: 62 Percent Of Americans Want Marijuana Legal
Sixty-two percent of US adults believe that “the use of marijuana should be made legal,” according to national survey data compiled by the Pew Research Center. The percentage is the highest ever reported by Pew, which has been tracking Americans’ views on the subject of marijuana legalization since 1969. Support was strongest among Millennials (74 … Continue reading
Weekly Legislative Roundup 10/5/18
Welcome to the latest edition of NORML’s Weekly Legislative Roundup! Three U.S. House bills gained new cosponsors this week. One to shield federal employees from being fired for state-legal marijuana (Fairness in Federal Drug Testing Under State Laws Act) use got two new cosponsors, for a total of seven. The one to respect state medical … Continue reading
Vote for Cannabis Friendly Candidates in North Carolina this November
In North Carolina there is only one way we will be able to achieve any level of cannabis reform at the state level, that way is through our legislators in Raleigh. Currently, the amount of legislators in office that are supportive of cannabis reform is pretty much nil. Zero. Nada. There are few representatives that … Continue reading
Marijuana Legalization and Workplace Safety: A Short-Lived Hysteria
With 47 states and the District of Columbia permitting the use of marijuana or its extracts in some form, new questions concerning employers’ rights, lawful marijuana use by employees, and maintaining a safe workplace have been raised. The biggest issue? While it’s legal to possess and consume marijuana in several states, it’s still illegal under … Continue reading
California: Governor Signs Legislation Expunging Past Marijuana Convictions
Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation, Assembly Bill 1793, facilitating the review and expungement of hundreds of thousands of past marijuana convictions. The new law requires “the Department of Justice, before July 1, 2019, to review the records in the state summary criminal history information database and to identify past convictions that are potentially … Continue reading
New York State’s Marijuana Working Group is Taking Public Comments on Legalization Legislation
A listening session was held Thursday evening in Rochester, New York to get feedback about what the community wants to see in the legislation currently being drafted to legalize cannabis for adult use in NY. See the full list of listening sessions happening state-wide here. The legislation being drafted is set to pass next April … Continue reading »