Industrial Hemp Legislation
Federal: Measures Pending To Restore Financial Aid Eligibility To Marijuana Offenders
Legislation is pending in the House and Senate to restore federal financial aid eligibility to minor marijuana offenders. In the House, H.R. 3561: The Fair Access to Education Act of 2015 would “exclude marijuana-related offenses from the drug-related offenses that result in students being barred from receiving Federal educational loans, grants, and work assistance, and for … Continue reading
South Carolina: Lawmakers Fail To Consider Medical Marijuana Program Act
Members of the Senate Medical Affairs and House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee have failed to act on legislation, SB 672 and H. 4037, the Medical Marijuana Program Act. The 2016 legislative session has now come to a close. The legislation sought to allow the use of medical marijuana for debilitating medical conditions such as … Continue reading
Federal: Congress to Consider Respect States’ and Citizens’ Rights Act of 2015
Congresswoman Diana Degette (D-CO) has reintroduced legislation, H.R. 3629, the Respect States’ and Citizens’ Rights Act of 2015, to amend the Controlled Substances Act in a manner that allows marijuana-related businesses and consumers in states that have legalized marijuana to be safe from federal interference. According to a 2015 nationwide Pew Research poll, 59 percent … Continue reading
Florida: Lawmakers Fail To Act On Marijuana Depenalization Measure
Legislation to depenalize marijuana possession offenses was never acted on this legislative session. House Bill 4021 would have removed cannabis from the Florida state schedule of controlled substances and removed all state criminal and civil penalties associated with the substance. “We have a lot of people in prison for drug charges and non-violent charges, and I … Continue reading
Federal: Support the SMART Enforcement Act
Washington Congresswoman Suzan DelBene is sponsoring H.R. 3746, the State Marijuana and Regulatory Tolerance (SMART) Enforcement Act to protect medical patients, recreational consumers, and licensed businesses in states that have legalized marijuana. Under this proposal, the US federal Controlled Substances Act would be inapplicable with respect to states that have legalized and regulated marijuana in a manner that addresses key federal priorities, such … Continue reading
Federal: Senator Sanders Introduces Bill To Remove Marijuana From Controlled Substances Act
Vermont Senator and Democratic Presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation, S 2237, to remove marijuana from the US Federal Controlled Substances Act. The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2015 would deschedule cannabis from the CSA, as is alcohol and tobacco. This legislation provides states the power to establish their own marijuana policies and … Continue reading
Vermont: House Members Turn Back Marijuana Reform Efforts
Members of the Vermont House spent over six hours on Tuesday, May 3, debating various amendments to reform marijuana policy, but ultimately decided against enacting any significant changes in law. House lawmakers voted 121 to 28 to reject Senate-approved language that sought to regulate the adult use, commercial production, and retail sale of marijuana. Although … Continue reading
Missouri: Lawmakers Fail To Act On Legalization Measure
Lawmakers failed to act on legislation, Senate Bill 762, to permit for the personal possession and retail sale of marijuana by those age 21 and over. The measure sought to permit adults the right to privately possess up to one ounce of cannabis without penalty. It also sought to license the commercial production and to regulate … Continue reading
Missouri: Lawmakers Take No Action On Bill Seeking To Allow For Expungement of Past Marijuana Convictions
Lawmakers took no action on House legislation that was prefiled —HB 1524 — to allow marijuana convictions to be expunged contingent upon the passage of a constitutional amendment or other statutory enactment legalizing marijuana. According to 2012 arrest data, Missouri police arrested some 18,500 people for minor marijuana possession offenses. These offenders, many of them … Continue reading