Industrial Hemp Legislation
Maine: Lawmakers Fail To Pass Bill To Impose Presumptive THC Impairment Standards
Legislation to impose presumptive impairment standards in cases where low levels of THC is detected in the blood, LD 1628, has died after lawmakers in the House and Senate failed reach concurrence on the bill’s amended language. The measure stated that the detection of 5 ng/ml or more of THC in a driver’s blood “gives … Continue reading
Kentucky: Lawmakers Fail To Consider Medical Cannabis Legislation
Senate and House lawmakers have failed to take action on legislation to protect qualified patients who consume cannabis under a physician’s written authorization. The 2016 legislative session has now come to a close. The proposed House measure, House Bill 584, would have permitted qualified patients to possess a 90-day supply of usable cannabis for therapeutic … Continue reading
Nebraska: Medical Marijuana Legislation Defeated
Legislation has been defeated, LD 643, to permit qualified patients legal access to medical cannabis. Senators fell three votes short of ending a filibuster and advancing the bill. The Cannabis Compassion and Care Act, as initially introduced, sought to permit patients the ability to grow and possess cannabis, as well as establish system of state-licensed dispensing. Twenty-three … Continue reading
Delaware: Governor Signs Medical Cannabis Expansion Measure
Governor Jack Markell has signed legislation into law permitting terminally ill patients to access medical cannabis. House Bill 400 (aka ‘Bob’s bill’) permits physicians to recommend cannabis therapy to terminally ill adults. It also permits those under 18 to access CBD products if they are suffering from “pain, anxiety, or depression” related to a terminal illness. The … Continue reading
Maryland: Marijuana Legalization Legislation Tabled
Maryland lawmakers have failed to act on HB 1580, the Marijuana Control Act of 2016, before the state’s legislative session came to a close for the year. The legislation would have regulated the commercial cultivation and retail sale of marijuana to adults over the age of 21. Adults would have been allowed to purchase and possess … Continue reading
Alabama: Lawmakers Fail To Act On Marijuana Decriminalization Measure
This legislative session, members of the House Judiciary Committee failed to consider House Bill 257, legislation to amend state law so that first time offenders of one ounce or less of marijuana face a civil fine, no arrest and no criminal record. Current law defines the personal possession of marijuana as a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by … Continue reading