Tagged With: Implementation
Maine Governor Vetoes Retail Legalization Implementation
Gov LePage (R-Maine) Republican Gov. Paul LePage today vetoed legislation that sought to regulate the production and sales of cannabis to adults. Members of the House and Senate approved the legislation late last month during a one-day special session, but did so without a veto-proof majority. (Members of the Senate voted 22-9 in favor of the bill. Members … Continue reading
California: Marijuana Regulation Implementation Bill Sent to Governor
Members of the state assembly and senate have passed legislation, Senate Bill 94, regarding the implementation of the Adult Use Marijuana Act and make amendments to the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act. The legislation imposes various regulatory changes surrounding the licensing of medical and retail facilities. A summary of some of these changes appears … Continue reading
Arkansas: Oppose The Legislation To Indefinitely Delay Medical Marijuana Implementation
Senate legislation is pending, SB 238, to indefinitely halt the enactment of the state’s voter-initiated medical marijuana law. Specifically, the measure states that Arkansas patients may not legally access medical marijuana until the substance has been federally legalized. This arrogant piece of legislation is a direct attempt to undermine an election outcome. Fifty-three percent of … Continue reading
New York: Improve Implementation of New York’s Compassionate Care Act
It has been two years since Governor Cuomo signed the Compassionate Care Act (“CCA”) into law and six months since the program became operational. Unfortunately the law is one of the most restrictive in the country and the state legislature failed to pass any meaningful legislation this session to improve it. Enter your zip code … Continue reading