Tagged With: Support
Colorado: Support Legislation to Protect Marijuana Laws From Federal Interference
Update: Members of the House voted 56 to 7 on April 26 in favor of the bill. It now awaits action from the Senate. Legislation is pending to prohibit public employees from assisting federal agents in “arresting a Colorado citizen for committing an act that is a Colorado constitutional right.” Such acts would include the production … Continue reading
Poll: Support For Legalizing Marijuana At Record High
More than six in ten Americans believe that the social use of marijuana should be legal for adults, according to nationwide polling data provided by CBS News. The percentage marks a significant increase since 2013, when only 45 percent of respondents endorsed legalization, and it is among the highest levels of public support ever reported … Continue reading
Massachusetts: Support Legislation to End Discrimination Against Medical Marijuana Consumers
Legislation is pending before the House, H 113, to prohibit employers from discriminating against patients who legally consume marijuana during non-work hours. Additional legislation, H 2385, would expand protections for medical marijuana patients so that they may not be discriminated against with regard to housing, higher education, and child custody issues. Changes in the legal … Continue reading
Massachusetts: Support Legislation to End Discrimination Against Medical Marijuana Consumers
Legislation is pending before the House, H 113, to prohibit employers from discriminating against patients who legally consume marijuana during non-work hours. Additional legislation, H 2385, would expand protections for medical marijuana patients so that they may not be discriminated against with regard to housing, higher education, and child custody issues. Changes in the legal … Continue reading
Colorado: Support Marijuana Membership Clubs!
This past Tuesday, Denver NORML hosted a very successful Lobby Day at the Colorado State Capitol. Our Board of Directors, along with several members and volunteers, visited every Senate office where they distributed a fact sheet that highlighted the merits of SB17-184: The Private Marijuana Clubs Open And Public Use Bill, and why NORML supports it. We also had the opportunity to hear from several supporters of the bill … Continue reading
California: Support Legislation to Protect Marijuana Laws From Federal Interference
Legislation is pending, Assembly Bill 1578, to try and limit potential federal interference in the state’s marijuana regulatory laws. The bill states, “This bill would prohibit a state or local agency, as defined, from taking certain actions without a court order signed by a judge, including using agency money, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to … Continue reading
Colorado: Legislation To Support Marijuana Social Clubs Introduced
Update: SB 63 was heard on 2/21 and is awaiting a vote. Colorado State Senator Bob Gardner and Representative Dan Pabon have introduced legislation that is headed to the Senate Business, Labor and Technology committee on Tuesday, March 1, 2017. SB 184: The Private Marijuana Clubs and Public Use Bill, will provide Colorado municipalities with … Continue reading
Polling: Voters Support Marijuana Law Reform By Record Numbers
Record numbers of voters support regulating the marijuana market and oppose federal efforts to interfere or undermine state laws permitting the plant’s use or sale, according to nationwide polling data released today by Quinnipiac University. Ninety-three percent of voters — including 96 percent of Democrats and 85 percent of Republicans — support “allowing adults to … Continue reading
West Virginia: Support the West Virginia Medical Cannabis Act
A coalition of Senate lawmakers have introduced legislation, SB 386, which seeks to establish the West Virginia Medical Cannabis Act — a state-sponsored program that will permit qualified patients to obtain medical cannabis from licensed dispensaries. Passage of the bill establishes a commission tasked with developing “policies, procedures, guidelines, and regulations to implement programs to … Continue reading